A video has emerged from Uttar Pradesh that would leave the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) embarrassed ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. A video tweeted by news agency ANI shows BJP MP Sharad Tripathi and party MLA Rakesh Singh exchanging blows at a meeting in Sant Kabir Nagar.
Taking note of the incident, UP BJP president M N Pandey said that the duo has been summoned, adding stern action will be taken against them.
The video shows an argument starting between the MP and MLA during the meeting over the latter’s name missing from the foundation stone. As the argument refuses to die down, MP Tripathi takes off his shoe and starts hitting the MLA. Singh then gets up from his seat and start hitting the MP.
Taking note of the incident, UP BJP president M N Pandey said that the duo has been summoned, adding stern action will be taken against them.
The video shows an argument starting between the MP and MLA during the meeting over the latter’s name missing from the foundation stone. As the argument refuses to die down, MP Tripathi takes off his shoe and starts hitting the MLA. Singh then gets up from his seat and start hitting the MP.
Others present at the meeting, including a police official, then jumped in to prevent the fight from escalating.
While it is sure that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will take note of the incident and the party may have to explain the actions of its public representatives, the video has left a bad taste among the people of the state.
_ Meghna Sunil Kumar
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